Bhaskar Pandurang Hiwale Education Society's

Centre for Studies in Rural Development – Institute of Social Work & Research, Ahmednagar

                                                  NAAC accredited 'A' Grade Institution

Secretary’s Message

Message from the Secretary

BPHE Society’s Centre for Studies in Rural Development (CSRD), Institute of Social Work & Research, Ahmednagar is one of the earliest institutions in community extension and social work education in India. It was established in 1961 as an extension wing of Ahmednagar College. In 1991 it became a full-fledged institute of social work and research affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University. It offers post degree programme in social work and Ph.D in social work.

Social Work education is designed to develop human resource for different fields of Social development. Social Work profession is based on the philosophy of humanitarian considerations, liberalism, and democratic values. Within the ambit of this philosophy the primary purpose of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed and living in poverty. In view of this social work education is imparted to prepare competent, effective social work professionals who are committed to practice at the grassroots, supervisory, managerial and policy level. CSRD-ISWR believes in creating a cadre of efficient and well informed leadership in the field of social development.

Our students continued to excel in the University Examinations and stood first in the merit list of University. This has been possible because our teachers prepare the students not only on intellectual education but provide value based and broad based education which build honesty, compassion, courage, responsibility and positive attitudes which are essential components for the overall development of student especially in the field of social work.

The BPHE Society is proud of the academic excellence and development work of the CSRDians for the upliftment of the rural marginalized, dalit and downtrodden people, women and children.

I congratulate the Director, Faculty, Staff and Students and wish all of them all the best in the years to come.

Mr.  Vishal Barnabas
Secretary BPHE Society